After many wonderful years creating keepsakes for you from your treasured clothing, Once Upon a Time Creation closed our studio and is no longer creating custom keepsakes.
We are so incredibly grateful for your support over the years! We grew and thrived because you trusted us and generously shared our services with your families, friends and communities. It has been an absolute pleasure serving all of you.
This unique business has given our team the ability to share our creativity with you and for that I am truly grateful. We have developed many lasting relationships, won awards and served families across the United States. It has been a rewarding journey filled with memories, stories, and amazing people.
Please continue to support small businesses and shop local when you are able. We all put our hearts and souls into what we do and truly love the connection we have to all of you. There is so much about Once Upon a Time Creation that I will miss, but as much as I love what I do, it is time for a new adventure!
Thank you again for the love and support!